Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Food Log: November 9th, 2010

Posted on/at 11:59 PM by Adam Kunzler

Sort of did an unplanned fast today. I didn't eat from 9:00 PM yesterday until 8:00 PM today. No real reason. It just sort of happened. Not having any food in the house helped it to "just happen" though. :0)

I'm doing good. I feel good. I've already lost almost 15 pounds. :0) Yeah. Awesome!! It's been just over a week now and we're still doing strong. Yesterday was the worst with wanting to eat some SAD food, but we didn't and so we win!! It would be easy to just give up and keep doing what we've been doing, but that's not what I want. And it's definitely not going to take me to where I want to be.

Here's what I had today:
  • Giant Spinach Salad with Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Olives and Cayenne
  • Lara Bar
The salad was really, really good. It was amazingly good. I like savory salads with a bite and this one did a fantastic job. Rachael and I made juice tonight for tomorrow. We made a quart of Cucumber juice, about a cup of Parsley\Apple juice (it's nasty) and a quart of Spinach\Apple juice. I really love having a bunch  of Green Juice in the morning. Makes me feel good. :0)

I am so grateful for Rachael and her support in moving to a RAW food diet. I am especially grateful that she is doing it along side with me. :0) She is an amazing wife and I am so blessed to be able to share my life with her. I am filled with gratitude for RAW foods. I'm grateful to have the means to buy mostly organic produce and lots of them and also to afford some of the fun "extras". I am grateful for the path that I am on and the experiences I am having.