Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food Log: November 16th, 2010

Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler

The new dehydrator came in today. I'm pretty excited. We've been using a cheap model for awhile and not really able to do what we wanted with it. I'm thinking tonight I'm going to make some RAW Corn Chips. There are several recipes I want to try so I'll probably make 2 or 3 varieties of them and see which one(s) I like the best. 

Here's what I had today:
  • Pint of Green Smoothie (Banana, Maca powder, Hemp powder, Spirulina, Probiotics)
  • Bowl of Guacamole
  • Kale Chips
  • Lara Bar
  • Raspberry Cacao Ganache
I don't feel like I ate very much tonight. I very much had the munchies though. I just wanted to eat. :0(  I also wanted to eat SAD food. I'd describe it as emotional turbulence. I made it through though...and I'm still alive. I guess it isn't so bad then.  

One day at a time.