Monday, November 15, 2010

Food Log: November 15th, 2010

Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler

I feel really sick from the SAD food from last night. We had chinese take-out. It was very good, but left us feeling plugged, bloated, and irritable. We stayed RAW all day today without too much effort. I'm very grateful for that. Usually when we diet and let ourselves have a bad day, we have a hard time going back to the diet. I think part of the reason it was so easy to stay 100% today was because we realize that RAW is what we really do want to eat and to be. It's the lifestyle we desire. 

We made a couple of rules regarding our SAD food; 1) no regrets, this is a conscious decision and done explicitly. 2) anything left over got thrown in the trash before we went to bed, this is so that we wouldn't be tempted with left overs the next day, and 3) enjoy it. 

Here's what I had today:
  • Quart of Carrot\Romaine\Fennel juice
  • Bowl of Guacamole
  • 1 1/2 Raweos
  • 5 or 6 Green Olives
I made another Raspberry Cacao Ganache tonight. Not sure if I'll eat any of it tonight though. I feel pretty sick from what's in me right now. I haven't had a bowel movement since the SAD food yesterday so everything is kind of backed up. :0(

I tried making Sweet Potato Fries yesterday, but I accidentally forgot to turn down the temperature on the dehydrator from 145 degrees to 105 degrees after an hour. It's left them very hard and very chewy. Maybe next time.