Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
We made it 100% RAW today. I think we're back on track!! Thanksgiving is coming up and I think we may indulge on my mom's cooking...but I don't think we'll go overboard like we did this past weekend.
Here's what I had today:
- Quart of Carrot\Romaine juice
- Few bites of Guacamole (it was gross...the Avocados were bad)
- Few bites of a Cauliflower Curry "thing" I mixed up
- Few bites of Broccoli Mushroom Stirfry
I made a big batch of the stir fry for our road trip this week. We're driving to San Antonio to visit my parents for Thanksgiving. We've got a bunch of RAW foods to eat on the way and the stir fry for something a little more solid. We normally have a hard time driving long distance without stopping and getting SAD food. This time we're prepared and we'll be fine.
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
I did okay the first part of the day and then crashed.
Here's what I had today:
- Quart of Apple\Spinach juice
- Pint of Green Smoothie (Hemp powder, Spirulina, Maca)
- *** CRASHED ***
We were doing really good and just out of nowhere we crashed. I don't know what we were thinking. I knew we were going to feel sick and miserable, but we did it anyways. It was very demoralizing. :0(
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
Doing okay. I craved deli sandwiches like a crazy man today. I'm doing good still.
Here's what I had today:
- 20 Chlorella Tablets
- 1/2 cup of Guacamole
- Handful of Kale Chips
- Left over RAWchos!!
We played with the dehydrator again today. We've got Mango\Orange fruit leather going, apples, bananas and pineapple. I'd really like to figure out the dehydrator and stock up on certain things. It's usually hit or miss if what I make turns out. :0)
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
I water fasted until about 8:00 or so. No real reason. Just kind of happened.
Here's what I had today:
I love the RAW mexican food. We made some corn\flax crackers and made RAWchos. It was really good.
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
The new dehydrator came in today. I'm pretty excited. We've been using a cheap model for awhile and not really able to do what we wanted with it. I'm thinking tonight I'm going to make some RAW Corn Chips. There are several recipes I want to try so I'll probably make 2 or 3 varieties of them and see which one(s) I like the best.
Here's what I had today:
- Pint of Green Smoothie (Banana, Maca powder, Hemp powder, Spirulina, Probiotics)
- Bowl of Guacamole
- Kale Chips
- Lara Bar
- Raspberry Cacao Ganache
I don't feel like I ate very much tonight. I very much had the munchies though. I just wanted to eat. :0( I also wanted to eat SAD food. I'd describe it as emotional turbulence. I made it through though...and I'm still alive. I guess it isn't so bad then.
One day at a time.
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
I feel really sick from the SAD food from last night. We had chinese take-out. It was very good, but left us feeling plugged, bloated, and irritable. We stayed RAW all day today without too much effort. I'm very grateful for that. Usually when we diet and let ourselves have a bad day, we have a hard time going back to the diet. I think part of the reason it was so easy to stay 100% today was because we realize that RAW is what we really do want to eat and to be. It's the lifestyle we desire.
We made a couple of rules regarding our SAD food; 1) no regrets, this is a conscious decision and done explicitly. 2) anything left over got thrown in the trash before we went to bed, this is so that we wouldn't be tempted with left overs the next day, and 3) enjoy it.
Here's what I had today:
- Quart of Carrot\Romaine\Fennel juice
- Bowl of Guacamole
- 1 1/2 Raweos
- 5 or 6 Green Olives
I made another Raspberry Cacao Ganache tonight. Not sure if I'll eat any of it tonight though. I feel pretty sick from what's in me right now. I haven't had a bowel movement since the SAD food yesterday so everything is kind of backed up. :0(
I tried making Sweet Potato Fries yesterday, but I accidentally forgot to turn down the temperature on the dehydrator from 145 degrees to 105 degrees after an hour. It's left them very hard and very chewy. Maybe next time.
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
I really like having juice for the first part of my day. It tastes good and I look forward to drinking it. Plus, I'm used to not eating until 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon anyways. The juice helps keep my body nourished and cleaning the first part of the day and then I gradually go into solid foods later in the day. It's what's working for me right now. :0)
Here's what I had today:
- Quart of Carrot\Romaine\Fennel juice
- Few bites of Guacamole while making it
- Lara Bar (peanut butter cookie)
- Small bowl of Guacamole (super good)
- Handful of Kale Chips
I prepped a lot of food today. Sort of. I made another batch of Kale Chips with the left over Cheese Sauce from yesterday. Something is telling me that they are gonna be way awesome. I also prepped some Sweet Potato Fries that we'll probably eat on Monday. I've always been a little afraid of Sweet Potatoes. Don't really know why. We didn't really eat them in my family growing up so I never really had the opportunity to get to know them. We're going to eat them with Chipotle Mayo. That'll be good. :0) I love Chipotle Peppers. Tomorrow we're probably going to have a "strategic bad" day and eat some non-raw food. Monday we'll go to 100% RAW and continue that way for awhile. I think having a few bad days is okay in the beginning. Especially since we're doing this together, it'll be harder to crash entirely. I do understand that eating the SAD food will reinforce those cravings we've been fighting. Hopefully, after a while, we'll get past the needing a bad day every so often. :0|
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
Doing great!! I'm officially down 15 pounds in 12 days. Not too shabby. Rachael has lost about the same. We're still pretty motivated about RAW food, but still struggling with temptations and cravings for SAD food. I'm just glad we're doing it together. I told her yesterday that if it had just been me, I probably would have slipped already, but haven't because I don't want her to slip. She said the same thing back!! Imagine if we actually had other friends going along with us or had already made it. It would make this even easier. We've been trying to reach out and build some social support, but neither of us are very social people. More time and more exercising those social muscles I suppose.
Here's what I had today:
So, the mexican food was outstanding. I can't think of anything that tastes as good. There was Cilantro Pesto, Walnut "meat", Cheddar Cheese sauce and Salsa. You wrapped it all up in a Romaine leave and then ate it. It was so amazing. I've never been a fan of nut cheese mostly because I've never made a good batch of it. This Cheddar Cheese sauce, it tastes like the real deal. I do think that this mexican food will be a staple in our diet. Probably at least once a week. It was so amazing. We're going to make a batch of Kale chips today with the cheddar cheese sauce and see how it goes. My guess is that it's going to go super well. I am very excited. :0)
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
Day 10!!
Here's what I had today:
Ate a little of a lot of things today. That's about it.
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Posted on/at 11:11 PM by Adam Kunzler
The mental\emotional "stuff" is definitely making its way to the surface, for both of us. Nothing to crazy yet and still easy to deal with. I think Rachael has it worse than me. I am very familiar with the struggle though. This isn't my first attempt. I'm so grateful to not be doing this alone this time. It "should" make getting through some of these temptations and struggles a little easier.
One of the things we're struggling with is this coming Thanksgiving. We'll be going out of town to my parents and won't be in our home where we have control of what's in the fridge, the cabinets and on the counters. I think it'll be tough, but only as tough as we make it. I plan on staying RAW throughout the whole little vacation. I will encourage Rachael to do the same. My mom is a culinary chef and makes some good food. She also has a Thanksgiving tradition we call Pie-fest. She makes a bunch of pies and then after dinner (awhile after dinner) we gorge on all sorts of pies. I'm hoping to contribute a RAW pie or two this year so that we can still be a part of it. Maybe we'll even make a few dishes to go along with the main dinner. Perhaps if we change how we're looking at this, we can be the ones tempting them with RAW food and that this is an opportunity to show them that it's okay to break from traditional SAD food, even on a holiday, and embrace foods that are full of energy and light. :0)
We just ordered an Excalibur dehydrator. We're both pretty excited about it getting here. We've been using a cheap dehydrator for awhile. It works, but not nearly as good as we like. Besides, it's the cylinder shaped one with a hold down the middle. Makes it hard to make crackers, fruit leather and other dehydrated foods. We're going to go crazy with the new one!! If it keeps us excited for an extra few weeks to get us through SAD withdrawals...then the money we spent on it was very well spent. I am grateful that we were in a position to be able to buy a good quality one. So very grateful.
Here's what I had today:
- Quart of Cucumber juice
- Giant Spinach Salad with Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Olives and Cayenne
- Cup of Red Grapes
- Bowl of Guacamole (Avocado, Garlic, Green Onion, Cayenne, Lime, Tomato, Cilantro, Pink Salt)
I'm enjoying the simple foods and recipes. We really haven't made anything to complex and gourmet...other than maybe the Kale Chips, but even those are pretty simple and basic. I like keeping it simple. That's part of the reason why RAW foods appeal to me so much. It's simple, but can be as complex as you want it to be. I love RAW food!!
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Posted on/at 11:59 PM by Adam Kunzler
Sort of did an unplanned fast today. I didn't eat from 9:00 PM yesterday until 8:00 PM today. No real reason. It just sort of happened. Not having any food in the house helped it to "just happen" though. :0)
I'm doing good. I feel good. I've already lost almost 15 pounds. :0) Yeah. Awesome!! It's been just over a week now and we're still doing strong. Yesterday was the worst with wanting to eat some SAD food, but we didn't and so we win!! It would be easy to just give up and keep doing what we've been doing, but that's not what I want. And it's definitely not going to take me to where I want to be.
Here's what I had today:
- Giant Spinach Salad with Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Olives and Cayenne
- Lara Bar
The salad was really, really good. It was amazingly good. I like savory salads with a bite and this one did a fantastic job. Rachael and I made juice tonight for tomorrow. We made a quart of Cucumber juice, about a cup of Parsley\Apple juice (it's nasty) and a quart of Spinach\Apple juice. I really love having a bunch of Green Juice in the morning. Makes me feel good. :0)
I am so grateful for Rachael and her support in moving to a RAW food diet. I am especially grateful that she is doing it along side with me. :0) She is an amazing wife and I am so blessed to be able to share my life with her. I am filled with gratitude for RAW foods. I'm grateful to have the means to buy mostly organic produce and lots of them and also to afford some of the fun "extras". I am grateful for the path that I am on and the experiences I am having.
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Posted on/at 11:59 PM by Adam Kunzler
I'm doing good. Had a lot of temptations today. Mostly because I'm a little depressed. After I got home I felt like nothing and wanted to do nothing. I wanted to eat crap. I didn't though. Neither me or Rachael ate anything bad. We did good!!
Here's what I had today:
- Lots of Chipotle Kale Chips
- Quart of Carrot\Romaine juice
- Bowl of Cucumber\Avocado\Tomato\Carrot all mashed together
- Lara Bar
I didn't eat a whole lot today. Just didn't feel like eating I guess. Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow since we kind of ran out of food. :0(
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Posted on/at 11:59 PM by Adam Kunzler
Still doing good. Still losing weight. Still loving RAW!! Today is Sunday and I've made it the whole weekend without any real temptation or even a tiny slip. Rachael has made it too. She's doing great!! I'm so grateful to have her here taking on RAW foods with me.
Here's what I had today:
It looks like a lot, but it really wasn't. I probably shouldn't have had so much of the cacao\peanut butter pie so late at night, but it was good, and I'm okay that I ate it. I need to be careful with peanut butter. It's a mood food for me and it's easy to get a little down and find that I just ate a whole cup of peanut butter or more. Yikes!!
I'm really loving the Kale chips. I've already modified the recipe so much that it hardly resembles the original. :0) I kind of see recipes as sort of guidelines anyways. I've never really trusted my food creation intuition other than on myself and I've never really pushed to grow that side of me. I really do enjoy creating food and putting together recipes. Part of me, probably the insecure and less confident side, enjoys just following a recipe and tweaking it a little. I like being told what to do. It's the same with my job. I'm at my best when someone says, "do this" and then I do it. I'm a good slave. :0)
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Posted on/at 11:57 PM by Adam Kunzler
Here's what I had today:
- Green Smoothie (mango, tangerine, grape, spinach)
- One Lara Bar
- 1/2 cup or so of Guacamole
- 2 bowls of Broccoli Mushroom Stir Fry (I added lots of garlic and some green onions)
- Slice of Cacao Ganache Berry Tarte (I used Raspberries and Blackberries)
- Tiny slick of Peanut Butter Pie (using left over crust and ganache from the tarte)
The Stir Fry was awesome!! The sauce if very, very good. I let the mushrooms and broccoli marinate most of the day to get them really soft. I'll definitely make it again someday. At night my wife and I indulged with the Cacao Ganache Tarte. It wasn't dense at all and tasted fabulous. It melts in your mouth. I did something wrong making the ganache and so it was kind of grainy, but still very good.
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Posted on/at 10:04 PM by Adam Kunzler
I've been eating a lot of dense food. I think I'm going to eat some lighter foods this next week. You can definitely tell I've lost some weight!! I'm also feeling pretty good.
Here's what I had today:
- 3 cups of Red Grapes
- A cup of Kale Chips (I made version three)
- One Lara Bar
- Big bowl of my awesome Guacamole
- Cup of Cashews
Shouldn't have eaten the cashews...I ate way too many and they've left me feeling a bit sick. I'm not sure why I ate them. Mostly I felt like eating. :0( I'm working on the emotional eating issues, but I'm glad that I'm still RAW and that I'm still really motivated.
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Posted on/at 11:47 PM by Adam Kunzler
Still going strong today. Looking forward to this weekend. I'm planning on making some of my incredible guacamole and also some Broccoli \ Mushroom "stir fry". It's going to be great. My Kale chips turned out. First couple bites were like, "eh", but then after that, I couldn't stop eating them. They fill that savory, salty, greasy craving. I'm going to make another batch tomorrow and modify it a little bit. I love it!!
Here's what I had today:
The salad was good, but a little dry today. I think the raisins started rehydrating or something. Rachael made a batch of Philip McCluskey's Cauliflower Popcorn. It's still dehydrating, but the couple pieces I tried...good. Very good. I'm definitely looking forward to the finished product.
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Posted on/at 10:26 PM by Adam Kunzler
Poor Rachael is going through some pretty severe sugar detox today. Hopefully it won't last too long. Heavy detox so fast...especially from!! I'm still doing pretty good today. No temptations other than other raw foods...meaning guacamole. I bought the ingredients to make it, but probably won't make it until Friday or Saturday.
I'm going to try to make a batch of Kale Chips before going to bed. If I can get the recipe right...I'll be making them all the time. They're awesome!!
Here's what I had today:
- Pint of Spinach\Apple juice
- Pint of Cucumber juice
- A Banana
- Some Kale chips
- Handful of Cashews and Raisins
- Bowl of the Broccoli Raisin Salad
I'm really loving the salad. I made a big batch of it today and so I should have plenty for tomorrow and Friday. What I love about it is it tastes fabulous, it fills me right up leaving me not wanting anything else, and it's really easy to make.
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Posted on/at 11:59 PM by Adam Kunzler
Today was our first day of 100% Raw and we were AWESOME!! We are so motivated right now and in the RAW groove. The energy is just flowing. I can't describe how wonderful it is to finally have my wife doing this along with me. I am very grateful for her and her decision to come along.
Here's what I had today:
- Couple bites of a Banana
- 1/4 cup of Cashew\Raisin mix
- 1/2 quart of Apple and Spinach juice
- Generous portion (2 cups or so) of Broccoli Raisin Salad
The Salad was absolutely amazing. We added shredded carrot for some extra color and because I like carrots! Thank you!!
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